Happy Birthday, Jules Verne! One of the Fathers of science fiction, he was born 186 years ago. Seems like a good day to share this wooden mannequin hand I "tattooed" last summer for a steampunk undersea-themed cabinet of curiosities.
"The Monster did exist, and he had sworn to rid the seas of it." - from Mr. Verne's book Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
In 2013 Bruce Rosenbaum ( from Modvic) put out a request for interesting objects to fill a cabinet of curiosities. This cabinet was to anchor a steamy undersea bedroom that some incredibly talented folks were creating. This room was an imaginative young man's request to the Make A Wish Foundation.
image courtesy of Modvic |
Another cool element of this undersea undertaking is The SteamAble Wheelchair. Check it out at
Modvic.com. The creators are actively seeking funds to make this wonderful chair a reality for
"... the recipient Kryon, the 14 year old boy who Muscular Dystophy who inspired this project." There are many more details and a video on
their Indie Go Go page where folks can also make donations.