
Thursday Giveaway: Winner of Michaels Crafts giftcard

Woo Hoo! We have a winner! 

With help from random.org, today's winner of the $10 Michaels Craft Store gift card is....

Cathy Kennedy from CuriousAsACathy.com

Congratulations, Cathy! I will contact you with instructions for claiming your prize.

Many thanks to all of the crafty folks who entered this random drawing. While you didn't win today....

Guess what?! You are still in luck! 

I am about to announce a new giveaway for one more $10 Michael's Gift Card.... And you will all be automatically entered in this new random drawing happening on January 1st! I will also be adding a few more prizes to the January 1st drawing, so be sure to pop back over the next couple of weeks to check those out as well.

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