Special thanks to talented artists Queenbe & Nancy Lefko who were kind enough to give it to moi.
Right now I'm blushing & waving a fan like Blanche Dubois "Oh look, we have created enchantment"
Please visit their Fabulous blogs & see what they are up to. Try to pop by their award recipients while you're there ... c'mon now, just tickle those links ... you know you want to ...just a little ...
Right now I'm blushing & waving a fan like Blanche Dubois "Oh look, we have created enchantment"
hmm... hmm.. hmmm... ahh, you're back...
This is where I list 5 things I'm "into" right now:
1. Etsy & the ongoing conversations in the Collage/ Mixed Media Forum
2. Free music downloads on Amazon
3. Gathering, creating & altering gizmos: Astrolabes, pocket watches, toys & gadgets
4. trying to make sense of the scrapyard that is my home office/studio (see #3)
5. Samurai Champloo - some people veg to reality TV; I do anime
Now I pass the torch onto 5 more FAB bloggers:
1. Starrydeborah
2. SuAnn's Journey
3. Paper mischief
4. La Donna Paper cutting
5. Lemon Drop Pie
And a final thought from Miss Dubois:
I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people.
May you find your magic today & make your world simply FABULOUS!
I want magic! Yes, yes, magic. I try to give that to people.
May you find your magic today & make your world simply FABULOUS!