Some people live for the Black Friday sales at the malls. I am not one of them. I hate crowds & so have enjoyed browsing this weekend's sales at Etsy. While I am addicted to art, I also like trolling the vintage section. Here are a few fun vintage finds that also have free shipping through Cyber Monday.
I used to manage a ginormous antiques shop many years ago. My eccentric boss drove me batty, but he loved to shop and used to bring in the coolest stuff. On the weekends he'd buy an entire estate in order to get the 1 piece that caught his eye.
Super Shiney 1972 Airstream Sovreign Land Yacht from CallMeChula
(this 1 doesn't have free shipping but it made me smile so here it is)
Then my co-workers & I would have to sort through it all. The operation was quite large. There was a repairs annex for all sorts of damaged stuff. The main shop was larger that many antique malls I've been to. It was filled with 25 years worth of "treasures".
When there were no customers, I would open swollen drawers & dusty cabinets and find all sorts of things.
1916 Tatting Booklet from SewVintageLadies
I used to manage a ginormous antiques shop many years ago. My eccentric boss drove me batty, but he loved to shop and used to bring in the coolest stuff. On the weekends he'd buy an entire estate in order to get the 1 piece that caught his eye.

(this 1 doesn't have free shipping but it made me smile so here it is)
Then my co-workers & I would have to sort through it all. The operation was quite large. There was a repairs annex for all sorts of damaged stuff. The main shop was larger that many antique malls I've been to. It was filled with 25 years worth of "treasures".
When there were no customers, I would open swollen drawers & dusty cabinets and find all sorts of things.

Sometimes I still dream at night that I'm exploring the shop. When business was slow, I'd crank up one of the victrolas, pick up a turn of the century newspaper and sink into the restored barrel back chair I coveted (I almost cried the day it sold, silly I know).
Natural Sine WW1 Military Compass by tntartglass

But enough tripping down memory lane - I'm off to bed. If you have some time on your hands, go see what you can find. If you are unfamiliar with Etsy, click through the link & then use the drop down bar to find vintage.
If you are searching for something specific, you may want to try several descriptive words as the search can be a bit wonky (& at times overwhelming). But just have fun! Who knows, maybe you'll find the perfect thing you didn't even know you needed.
Early 1900s Sterling Mesh Miniature Finger Purse by PheobeDelia
If you are searching for something specific, you may want to try several descriptive words as the search can be a bit wonky (& at times overwhelming). But just have fun! Who knows, maybe you'll find the perfect thing you didn't even know you needed.

For those seeking a Saturday Studio Tour, please come back next week - I'll be showcasing a new creative space. There was a last minute cancellation this week. Sorry - I should have had a backup plan. sigh. Next time.
Have you entered the random drawings I'll be hosting on 12/3? If not, just leave a comment on this blog before then to enter. 2 winners will each get a $10 gift certificate (+ free shipping) to my etsy shops CLICK HERE for details & shop links.
If you'd rather not try your luck, I am offering Free Shipping World Wide through 11/30 in those same shops. CLICK HERE for sale details & links
If you'd rather not try your luck, I am offering Free Shipping World Wide through 11/30 in those same shops. CLICK HERE for sale details & links