
RTT - just passing through

Hey again.How have you been?


Sorry things are so dull around here. It is Random Tuesday though so click on the purple button to visit The Un Mom if you need a little chaos in your life today. And if you have chaos to spare, have yourself a rant & leave a linky while you're there.

Have a Lego or Harry Potter fan in your home? Then you  know that the video game comes out today. Little Dude is bouncing off the walls waiting for his to arrive.

Until then he keeps kicking my @$$ at air hockey. I was planning to let him win but he needs no help.....

It is amazing how many more hours there are in a day when you don't have computer distractions!

By the way, the ceiling is patched & will get repaired next week. Then the cleanup begins (yuck).

I'm on a  borrowed PC & still haven't figured out how to do a screenshot, so no eye-candy today.

For added confusion, the new Thursday Giveaway will be posted this weekend. We'll also have a guest post - Remember Dr. Laura Koniver from Heartsong FineArt? (She shared her studio here last fall.) Laura will be visiting in a few days to talk about creativity and health- fascinating stuff, so be sure to stop back in a few days.

Things should be back to some form of normal around here by the weekend. Hope you have a creative week!


Sorry another delay. No contest this week

Hey there. Sorry about another delay. 

Came home to a leaky ceiling this afternoon & tonight the dining room ceiling collapsed! Thankfully no one was hurt.

Will be back at some point & there will be a giveaway next week. Thanks for your patience

Who gets a new custom printed banner??

With help from random.org, the latest Thursday Giveaway winner has been selected! 

 The winner of DigitalRoom.com's custom printed vinyl banner is.....

 Congrats, BonnieBlue! I will contact you today with directions for claiming your banner.

Many thanks to Digital Room for providing today's great prize!  

Also, thank you to all who took the time to leave a comment. Pop back later today for  a chance to enter a new random drawing.


Almost Wordless Wednesday - Transition

By the way, tonight is your last chance to enter the new custom printed vinyl banner giveaway. Leave a comment before 1 a.m. (EST) to enter. USA residents only. Click here for details. Pop back tomorrow for winner.


A few more delays

Hey again. Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

I 've got some unexpected family stuff going on, so more delays on posting Etsy party photos & links. I'll be back to blogging some time in the next couple of days.  Hopefully some of my time-management problems will be smoothed over soon.

By the way, Mixed Media Monday's prompt is "something old." If you get inspired be sure to add a link over at Melange On Etsy where this month's prompt is "Antique".

Wishing everyone a creative week. Catch you later


Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day

Hope all of you Dad's out there are having a fantastic day!  

It has been more of a Father's Weekend around here, so the Etsy Party post has been delayed. Sorry about that. Hopefully will get it together tomorrow. (I still need to tweak my meh photos as the event was mostly outside & my flash kept acting wonky.)

By the way, I'm the kid on the right & the little ragamuffin is now Professor B., law librarian - amazing what a difference a few, ehem, years makes....

Hope you are off to a great week! Catch you later


Global Etsy Craft Party Tonight!

Etsy Turns Five & folks are celebrating all over the world


With over 450 parties to choose from, there might be one happening just around the corner!

Click here to visit Meetup.com & find an Etsy birthday bash near you. The events kick off a 8pm in each time zone. 

I'm off to the Tampa event over at Tempus Projects. Stop by if you're in the area. I'd love to meet you! 

I'll be taking some photos for the blog this weekend. So pop back if you get the time. I'm so happy, the  travelling camera for Afiori.com's International photo project arrived  - so I'll bring that along too.

Catch you later. Hope you have a fun evening, whatever you are up to!

By the way, I'm hosting a random drawing for DigitalRoom.com. Next Thursday  (6/24) 1 lucky winner gets a custom printed 2' x 3' vinyl banner with grommets. Click Here for more info & entry details


Enter to win a Custom Printed Vinyl Banner!

Those generous folks at DigitalRoom.com are sponsoring another great giveaway!

Are you attending any art fairs, yard sales, reunion or other celebration this summer? How would you like a nice big banner to announce your event? Leave a comment at the end of this post for your chance to win a 24" x 26" Custom Printed Vinyl Banner with grommets from DigitalRoom.com.

Digital Room Graphics & Imaging

DigitalRoom  offers a smooth banner printing experience. The website is easy to use, turn around time is fast, the quality is top notch & if you need any help they have excellent customer service. (They've printed some greeting cards & business cards for me in the past that I am very happy with).

I recently received a message from Davey over at the steampunk-themed Olorle.etsy.com. He won my last Digital Room banner giveaway. Davey said : "Just thought I would drop you a line and mention that I will get my first chance to use my awesome new banner next Friday and Saturday at the Cedar City Groovefest event. I'm very happy with how the banner turned out and am very much looking forward to the show. Thanks for the great contest!" 

So, how do you enter? 

Simply leave a comment on this blog before 1 a.m. (EST) on 6/24 to enter this random drawing. That is only 1 week away! You must be 18 or older to enter. This contest is open to USA residents only.

Just a note: DigitalRoom is also sending me a custom printed banner. I'm not doing any shows this summer so will have to figure out what to put on it..... any suggestions? What are you thinking of putting on yours if you win?

Who won the fabulous crochet earrings??

Bit of a post & run today - haven't yet figured out how to best juggle working from home, blogging  & a kidlet on vacation.

Many thanks to Lily, the designer behind  Lilyja.etsy.com, for donating today's wonderful prize, a pair of petite crochet earrings in winner's choice of color (green, brown, purple or turquoise).

Petite Crochet Earrings from lilyja.etsy.com

With help from Random.org, the winner is.......


Congratulations, fisiwoman! I will contact you today with directions for claiming this great prize.

Thank you to all who took the time to leave a comment & enter this random drawing!  If you get a chance pop back later today - I will be announcing a new giveaway.... but first I have to go play with an antsy kid :-D

By the way, want to see more of Lily's wonderful work & world? Here are a few links for you


Wordless Wednesday

Little Dude's Self Portrait


By the way, today is the last day to enter the random drawing for a pair of earrings from Liljya.etsy.com. Leave a comment on this blog before 1 a.m. EST on 6/17 to enter. Click Here for photo of prize & details.


Free images for you - Antique Postcards & a worksheet

Hey there. How have you been? 

All house guests have gone & I'm playing catch-up this week. So instead of a wordy post here are some fun postcards for you to use in your art.  I bought these a while ago from MFVintage.etsy.com

They are part of a set that were sent to Mrs. Cassius Congdon of West Clarksville, NY USA in 1907.


& here's the top 1/2 of a ledger page. I picked up a few of these over at Bohemian Vintage last week.  You can visit this fun shop in South Tampa or online at BohemianVintage.etsy.com.

If you need a better resolution on any of these, just drop me an email (address in my blog profile). Have fun! Should you make anything with them, I'd love to see what you come up with. Happy to post it here too if you want to share creations.

Till next time, wishing you have a wonderful day!


Studio Tour #26 - Liljya

Welcome back to another Studio Tour Saturday. Today we are off to Ashdod, Israel to visit with Lily of liljya.etsy.com.

Lily creates gorgeous & intricate jewelry pieces. She artfully crochets delicate wires of copper, gold & silver -  forming them into beautiful accessories.  

Sometimes she includes gems or beads. 

Many of her pieces feel both classical and modern at the same time. 

All share a clean design and fresh organic quality. 

Lily's blog and Etsy shop also have this refreshing vibe. Click on any of the links throughout this post to view more of her lovely work. Now it is time for me to step aside so that Lily can show us around her world. (All photos are courtesy of Lilyja.)

L: I moved to this apartment about 2 months ago, and the first thing I did was to open the table so that I can keep on working while organizing the rest of the place.

L: My studio space is at the darker side of the house- there's a huge tree hugging that side of the house so it's more shady and I love it. I always feel a bit like I am in the womb sitting and working there;it is also quite small but fits me great.

L: I'm such a collector that I can fill any size space with everything. I can never throw things away, so  organizing this little space is an exercise for me to try and be precise.

L: Moving to this place was a chance to put in order in all those tons of beads and many little things I use to have on my table. 

L: Now I almost don't recognize my working table...

L: I'm using silver parts again and again, by melting them and make a new silver sheets to work with.  I'm collecting all of these bits and pieces together with old and unused silver jewelry I get from friends. 

L: My friend and family have this habit of bringing to me all kind of pieces "you might want to use" - and yes, I do. 

L: On the table I also have my laptop; sometimes while working I watch or listen to all kind of things. 

L: Last month I was watching (or should I say mostly listening) "Desperate Housewives" (oh, how could they kill Edie..?). This month I'm totally into classical music.

L: Some of the time I simply work in silence while above my head I have these three guys watching my work.

Thank you, Lily for showing us around your creative space! And many thanks to all who came along for the ride. Please take a moment to leave a comment before you go. Many artists featured here have told me just how much they appreciate your thoughts and encouraging words. 

Also, leaving a comment before 1 a.m. (EST) on 6/17 enters you in a random drawing for a pair of petit crochet wire earrings handmade by Lily. 


On June 17 one lucky winner takes home a pair of these lovely earrings in their choice of color (green, purple, brown, or turquoise). This random drawing is open worldwide with free shipping to winner.

Want to see more of Lily's intricate creations? Visit her online at http://www.liljya.etsy.com and  http://lilyja.blogspot.com

Would you like to share your creative space on this blog?  I originally featured studio tours  here because I can't resist peeking behind the curtain. I've since found out that I am not the only one who likes to see where others work their magic. Whether your workspace is big or small, fancy or humble, I'd love to share workspace! Just drop me a note & we'll find you a spot on the calendar - contact info is in my blog profile.

Thanks  again for stopping by. Wishing you a creative day!


Friday Freebies - Antique photos for your use

I've been enjoying visitors this week & lost track of time. Monday I mentioned some fun finds from Bohemian Vintage that I wanted to share.

July 16, 1910 Garfield Park Cleveland, Ohio

I hope you enjoy these dapper gents & reluctant models.  Feel free to use them in your art! 


If you need a better resolution or a close-up, drop me a note with your email & I'll get it right out to you.  (You can find contact info on my profile page)

Fishing Trip 1929 or 30

This photo shows a group of Doctors. Here is the back of the photo.

Bohemian Vintage is down the street from me for a few more days before they move to the other side of town. If you're in Tampa be sure to stop by - for now they are still at 3418 South Dale Mabry (Tues-Sat. 12-6).  You can also find some of their fantastic items at etsy.com/shop/bohemianvintage1.

Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to come back tomorrow. We'll be taking a tour of Studio Lilyja.


Random Thoughts Tuesday - a handful of freebies


Just a quick drive by today - only have a few minutes but I just had to share these fab freebies.

Have you met MizMollye? She is just the sweetest lady (& so patient - she's been waiting for my card for our swap for longer than I care to admit).  Today she has posted 35 cigar box art for your free use. Here is a sample:

Now pop on over to MizMollye.blogspot.com to get 34 more! They'd make fantastic mats or backgrounds for Art Trading Cards, don't you think? Make sure you remember to say hi while you are there, k?

EarthenwoodStudios blog is on day 7 of 10 Days of Giveaways. Today's prize? Buttons, buttons, buttons! I know there are some button addicted folks out there - you know who you are - so pop on over  to Earthenwood-beads.blogspot.com & leave a comment to enter in the random drawing.

Ok, who knows how to fix my blogger photo-links? I used to be able to hotlink photos but the blogger format has changed & now I can't seem to get it to work..... Thanks in advance for anyone who saves the day!

I'm guessing most of you know about EtsyGiveaways.blogspot.com . But in case you don't, check it out when you have a few minutes. This great site lists giveaways & random drawings for a variety of handmade items. You might be surprised by some of the things you can find there.

Have you entered lilyja.etsy.com' s random drawing for a pair of Petite Crochet Wire Earrings? If not, just leave a comment on this blog before 1 a.m. on 6/17. 1 lucky winner gets their choice of colors (green, brown, turquiose & purple). Want to see more jewelry from Liljya? Click Here for photos & links. Also, pop back this Saturday for a studio tour.

Well that's all I've got today. If you are looking for something a little more random, click the purple button & visit the The Un Mom & Queen of Chaos. She's a popular gal & on Tuesdays her visitors all leave a bit of random behind to share.

The Un Mom


Everything is Spokey Dokey

Little Dude finishes Kindergarten in a few days & I've got family in town again. So, I may be a bit scarce. Or maybe not..... Realistically,  I'll probably be back every other day to get my bloggity-fix. 

Found some great antique photos & postcards last week so will post some for your free-use really soon.

Spokey Dokey seemed like a good Musical Monday pick for the almost-summer vibe we've got going on around here. 

GoodMourningGlory usually starts the M.M. Meme but her blog seems to be in limbo just now. So, the MM button isn't hooked up today. If you get the time, play along anyway! Let the world know what you are listening to this week. Or at least tell me - I'm always looking for some new material.

Have you entered lilyja.etsy.com's random drawing for a pair of Petite Crochet Wire earrings, yet? If not, click here for photos & details. 1 winner will be selected on 6/17 .

Hope you all have a fantastic week!


Winner of CPS Studios Summer 2010 issue is....


Congratulations! I will contact you for your shipping address.

My screen shot isn't working today - always something new to challenge the neo-luddite...sigh. Basically I tossed 57 entries into the random.org vortex, hit the spin cycle and out popped Ľubaša.  

Thanks to all who left a comment this week. Hope you find your way home soon - just remember to turn left after you leave the vortex. Otherwise you may be lost in the blog-o-sphere forever.....

Don't mind me, I'm just being weird today. (what's new, eh?)

By the way, I am hosting a new random drawing on 6/17 sponsored by Lilyja.etsy.com. 

The prize is a pair of really cute Petite Crochet Wire Earrings in winner's choice of color (brown, green, purple, or turquoise). Ships free worldwide to 1 lucky winner. For details & to see more gorgeous items from lilyja click here.  

Also, if you're in the bloggy neighborhood next Saturday stop back in - we'll be visiting the liljya studio to see where all these wonderful jewelry ideas come to life.


Enter to win petite crochet wire earrings from lilyja

I first heard of the wonderful etsy shop lilyja when the owner Lily kindly selected one of my ACEOs for this lovely treasury.

I was struck by the clean open look of the treasury. (I was not the only one as this fine treasury was selected for the Etsy Front Page ). I decided to check out her etsy shop & blog which share the same refreshing vibe.

Throughout the wonderful world of lilyja you will find breathtaking jewelry, much of it crocheted from silver, gold, or copper wire. Click on any photo for more details.

I am simply stunned by the delicate beauty of these pieces.

Some incorporate gems or beads, like this 14 k gold filled & pearl ring

Once In A Lifetime crochet pearl/14k gold filled ring from lilyja

While others are so ornate, they feel almost ceremonial.

A Night At The Opera necklace from lilyja

Many of Lily's creations can be made to order in your size.

Photo sent in by one of her satisfied customers. You can read about it on her blog

Lily also creates a variety of intricate earrings, including these Petit Crochet Wire Earrings. At first glance so simple, a closer inspection reveals the loops & turns of the delicate colored copper wire. The post is sterling silver. Each ball is approximately 10mm round.

Aren't these just too cute? Enter the new Thursday Giveaway and you might be the lucky winner of a pair in your choice of color (green, turquoise, purple or brown).

Just leave a comment on this blog before 1 a.m. (EST) on 6/17 to enter. One random winner will be selected. Prize ships free worldwide. Please leave your email if it is not in your blog profile.

By the way, thank you for commenting. Many of the artists & designers I have featured on this blog have told me how much your opinions mean to them. Sometimes it can be difficult to connect with people and find out how they truly feel about your work. Your comments provide welcome feedback (& at times a much needed boost of encouragement).

Want to see more of Lily's striking jewelry or wondering what she is up to next?


Want to come with me in 2 weeks to visit her creative space? Stop back here on 6/12 for a photo tour of the lilyja studio. Hope to see you then. NOTE: Click here for the 6/12 Studio Tour

By the way, this Saturday 6/5 one random winner be selected from 7 days worth of comments to receive a copy of the new Cloth Paper Scissors Studios magazine (retails for $14.99). Free worldwide shipping. Click here for details.