No, not the title for a new piece. It's a silly thing my husband says & it describes my life lately. Been in a bit of slump,behind on everything it seems. Took a few days with family to regroup. Came back to the same to do list but with renewed energy -
YAY! Finishing a book group sculpture that was due on the 1st & tidying up stray projects that I'd lost interest in. Finally got around to adding some new
ACEOs to my
Etsy shop.

Read a great post by one of my favorite artists last week, Lindsey Carr of
Little Robot. In a piece titled
When the Grass is Always More Veridian she debates the issue of becoming a full time artist. This is something so many of us daydream about, I think. Her take is worth a read. As is the articulate follow up
Thanks So Much. In fact, I can't recommend enough checking out her amazing & whimsical creations.
Still here? Shoo...
go now! I'll wait here
Ahh, you're back...
Thinking about how to manage work, family, domestic, art & other stuff a lot lately. Too much perhaps? Maybe 1 reason why I've been so unproductive lately? Had some interesting conversations on this topic recently. I've heard so many valid ideas & concerns, that I think I'll pop them into future posts here & there.
If you have anything to add, please share: What is your secret to keeping all of your balls in the air? How do you include time to create in your busy schedule?

Art At The Speed Of Life! I love this title of
Pam Carriker's article in the July issue of
Cloth Paper Scissors. A talented & prolific artist, Pam makes the time for painting, writing, marketing, family & life. She will also be teaching an
online class in creative journaling in January. You can read more about her life & art on her
website &
blog. Her work is also available at
The Bag Lady's Art on
etsy. I'll warn you though, her art has taken off like wildfire lately & is selling fast!
From Pam's interview in the August '08 issue
The Stampers' Sampler:
TSS: What are your goals in life?
PC: To be my true self, and to go after my dreams."
She also shared this thought with me "I really think that is key. If you want to do something, go for it. A lot of times the only thing stopping you is yourself."
And on that note: Time to go get messy!!