How was your yours?
Mine didn't quite go as planned but was still ok. The weather was nice so we spend most of the weekend cleaning up outside. The rampart, I mean hedge, had grown so high that my 6 yr old thanked me for "cutting the trees". We also (finally) took on the-firecracker-plant-that-almost-ate-Tampa. I wish I had taken a picture of this thing. Imagine The Trouble With Tribbles but with flora & you've got the idea....

About the only other thing I did was design a new business card for my long neglected art supplies shop, ColorTheSky on etsy. I had a free printing from Uprinting expiring today so I pulled this together. Ignore the grey stripe - just stuck it in to separate the front & back of card.

How's your business card stash? Like to try & win a set of 500 custom printed business cards from Click here. Then leave a comment stating what you will use them for. 1 winner selected on 3/10.
If you missed last Thurday's post and want to check out some fantastic eye-candy, click here. The supremely talented photographer behind the etsy shop, Elle Moss has generously donated one of her photos & a set of postcards to the current Thursday Giveaway. All who leave a comment before 3/11 will be entered in this fantastic random drawing.
Well, gotta run. Hope you all have a creative week!

About the only other thing I did was design a new business card for my long neglected art supplies shop, ColorTheSky on etsy. I had a free printing from Uprinting expiring today so I pulled this together. Ignore the grey stripe - just stuck it in to separate the front & back of card.

How's your business card stash? Like to try & win a set of 500 custom printed business cards from Click here. Then leave a comment stating what you will use them for. 1 winner selected on 3/10.
If you missed last Thurday's post and want to check out some fantastic eye-candy, click here. The supremely talented photographer behind the etsy shop, Elle Moss has generously donated one of her photos & a set of postcards to the current Thursday Giveaway. All who leave a comment before 3/11 will be entered in this fantastic random drawing.
Well, gotta run. Hope you all have a creative week!
Hi I am finally getting round to catching up on my blogs so thanks so much for your very generous comments. Please feel free to join in the TIO challenge, which is now back up and running. I love this card you have designed - very striking!! Should make them remember you!!!
Thanks again for this opportunity! Glad you got caught up on the cleaning and the new ad!