
4 to beam up - It's Random Tuesday!

If he were still around, it'd be James Doohan's birthday today. I was thinking that no one actually said "Beam me up, Scotty" on the old Star Trek series (yes, yes Once a nerd, always a nerd) & a trip down google-lane ended at TV Tropes. They have fun lists of phrases now stuck in our minds that were never actually said on film/tv. My dweeby anal-retentive nature aside, a toast too ya Mr Doohan!I nicked this pic off a post called StarTrek's Greatest Moments in Drinking, another google gem

The Un Mom is still encouraging the zombie-luv...no not that kind of....ewww... I'm talking icky fun illustrations by Jason Chan! If you lean toward the dark side, I recommend a look around his blog. He has a great Norman-Rockwell's-evil-twin thing going on *ach, poorly phrased but meant to be a compliment*

Some of his pieces (like this lovely lady)would fit perfectly with all the squiggly-goodness over at cephalopod tea party

Joe Bagley has a freaking awesome papercutting of his eye on his blog today!

A peek at JanuaryWish's blog today introduced me to Airborne Toxic Event- Somewhere Around Midnight - very very cool

This looks good too - no fee online self portrait competition, deadline May 31. I say go for it! Or check out the entries that have been posted thus far

Gotta run. Final bit of trivia today. Another birthday wish to the famous gent who once said Mr. Watson- come here- I want to see you


  1. I loved his other stuff but that zombie painting just freaked me out too much. I'm glad other people enjoyed it ;)

  2. I didn't get a chance to leave a comment on Tuesday, but I wanted to let you know...I love the original Star Trek! I remember the episode where Scotty was totally drunk!

  3. Hello from a fellow nerd. Yes, I grokked Spock.
