If you are behind the times, like me, or just need some chaos in your life, click the button & go see what the followers of The Grand Un-Mom have been up to lately.
In the meantime, I need to siphon off some spare brainwaves so here we go:
My 5 yr old wants to live off of bread & butter. Love to see his reaction if he found this "state fair butter sculpture" on his toast!
Did you ever see The Devil & Daniel Johnston (2005)? A thought provoking documentary. You can find out more about his music & drawings on his website hihowareyou.com. Now someone has made an Iphone game based on his world. (Personally, I've got mixed feelings about this.)
Love this: "In 1986 Peter had the idea of growing a chair."
photo borrowed from pooktre tree shapers
Doesn't it sound like a great start to a fairy tale? It's from the Pooktre Tree Shapers website. Very interesting stuff - worth checking out.
Actually, it would be a good opening line for a book from the Memorable Children's Books and Gifts Company. I found these guys while I was poking around The Mom Blogger's Club. MCB&G hosts kid's book giveaways too.
Seems like a lot of people I know are having babies lately. Found them some random drawings over at Unique Baby Gear Ideas: A chance to win Maternity clothes & Baby shoes
Okay enough baby-talk. Lets talk talent!
Tom Banwell's incredible Underground Explorer helmet has been picked by the Museum of the History of Science (Oxford) to advertise their October-Feb. Steampunk Exhibition. Congrats, Tom! By the way, if you want an amazing mask this Halloween, stop by Tom's Etsy Shop.

This sound like such a fun show. Check out the exhibition's blog for a clickable list of artists involved in the show & some cool pics. I see that the talented Daniel Proulx of Catherinette Rings is on the list too! Looks like a great lineup.

Shifting gears again - my 5 yr old is crushing me in Gran Turismo...
Have you seen the art of Sarah Fishburn? She calls her art "Mixed Media Narrative" Very fitting & very cool! The above link is to her elaborate website - chock full of arty goodness. You can also see what she's up to on her blog, ragtagsf.blogspot.com
Oh I almost forgot the Mix It Up With Melange art challenge prompt is Gateway. Click through sometime this week & add a link to your mixed media interpretation. While you are there see what other folks have come up with.
P.S last chance to enter tomorrow's random drawing for a print of Amber Freeman's drawing, Little Gift. Just leave a comment here before noon (EST) 10/1 to enter. Details & pics of Amber's art can be found here.
Well, gotta run. The to-do list beckons. I have a theory.... I think it grows while I am sleeping.

Doesn't it sound like a great start to a fairy tale? It's from the Pooktre Tree Shapers website. Very interesting stuff - worth checking out.
Actually, it would be a good opening line for a book from the Memorable Children's Books and Gifts Company. I found these guys while I was poking around The Mom Blogger's Club. MCB&G hosts kid's book giveaways too.
Seems like a lot of people I know are having babies lately. Found them some random drawings over at Unique Baby Gear Ideas: A chance to win Maternity clothes & Baby shoes
Okay enough baby-talk. Lets talk talent!
Tom Banwell's incredible Underground Explorer helmet has been picked by the Museum of the History of Science (Oxford) to advertise their October-Feb. Steampunk Exhibition. Congrats, Tom! By the way, if you want an amazing mask this Halloween, stop by Tom's Etsy Shop.

This sound like such a fun show. Check out the exhibition's blog for a clickable list of artists involved in the show & some cool pics. I see that the talented Daniel Proulx of Catherinette Rings is on the list too! Looks like a great lineup.

Shifting gears again - my 5 yr old is crushing me in Gran Turismo...
Have you seen the art of Sarah Fishburn? She calls her art "Mixed Media Narrative" Very fitting & very cool! The above link is to her elaborate website - chock full of arty goodness. You can also see what she's up to on her blog, ragtagsf.blogspot.com
Oh I almost forgot the Mix It Up With Melange art challenge prompt is Gateway. Click through sometime this week & add a link to your mixed media interpretation. While you are there see what other folks have come up with.
P.S last chance to enter tomorrow's random drawing for a print of Amber Freeman's drawing, Little Gift. Just leave a comment here before noon (EST) 10/1 to enter. Details & pics of Amber's art can be found here.
Well, gotta run. The to-do list beckons. I have a theory.... I think it grows while I am sleeping.