
Random Tuesday - What'cha doin?

Bubble Boy experiment
Yep, summer vacation- woo hoo! Sadly most of Little Dude's friends are in assorted camps so we have to keep ourselves busy during the week.  One day we stuck him in a giant soap bubble. This fun idea came from one of our go-to books for tackling the doldrums, Sean Connelly's The Book of Totally Irresponsible Science Experiments

We've also been painting:

This is one of those cool cheapo art supplies boxes from Michaels. Highly recommend if you know anyone who likes to doodle. The watercolor paints are of a much better quality than the standard kid's sets, less watery & richer colors.

In the background is a cracker box/ paper towel tube castle & a wooden birdhouse awaiting their turn under the brush. The birdhouse (also from Michaels) is actually a Lego Star Wars hideout in the Dude's world.

Working hard on this acrobat toy.

Here's the work-in-progress toy gymnast - L.D. is still debating whether to go zendangle with a sharpie or add a gloss finish.

But....in the meantime it is fun to play with. Boy I sound doofy - mix of allergies, not enough coffee, and vid cutting out early. Next time I'll let the kiddo handle the electronics while I turn the crank. He is much better at it & my tech-aptitude is from the 1800s at the latest.

So...what'cha doin this summer? Any suggestions for keeping the kids busy?? I need them if you have them

Any random thoughts rattling around in your nut? Well, jot em down online & link up over at Stacey Uncorked for Random Tuesday


By the way, the drawing for Myke Amend's Coloring Book For Grown Up Kids is in 2 days. Leave a comment before 1 am (EST) on 7/14 & your name goes into the hat. For more info & a peek at the book click here.


  1. it seems like no one's kids are home anymore doesnt it?
    our neighborhood is a ghost town and the kids are bored as well
    (except this week, they have a perpetual harry potter marathon for thurs... getting psyched.)
    nice little art supply kit!

  2. Awesome -- I have that same science book and have always wanted to try the bubble -- did it go up over his head, or does it pop before it gets that far? Thanks for sharing a pic!!! xoxo, Laura
    P.S. -- so excited that Lego Land opens in Oct!!! Headed there for my son's 8th b-day!!! xoxo

  3. Amanda, I hear you on the ghost town - today we walked to the park & my son asked me where is everybody? (of course it was 90+ degrees so they were probably in the a/c)

  4. Laura,we added extra soap & it worked pretty good. Popped quickly though. And the hoop had to be raised fast. The most fun was after, making giant bubbles in the air with coat hangers and frisbee rings.
    We are all excited for Legoland! Would love to meet up when you are around, if you want. We are right next door in Tampa. My son is waffling between Legoland & HarryPotter land (which we haven't been to yet) for his fall birthday.

  5. Looks like fun. Where is everyone? In front to their computers or Ipads or 4G phones that's where :)

  6. I have been entertaining grandkids so far this summer. We have been having a blast. For one I obtained some jewelry making kits and she loved it! Bracelets and necklaces...got them at Fire Gem.com They other too I set to work laying flagstone in patio and shopping for clothes!! Fun times for sure!

  7. I'll have to get that science experiment book - Princess Nagger loves to do experiments! :)

    That first picture of Bubble Boy had me fondly remembering when I was a kid we had a 2 or 3-foot deep pool set up on our back patio - my mom would dump some Mr. Bubble in it, and us kids would run around the outside edge of the pool until the bubble grew taller than us - then we'd count to 3 and jump in. My mom said it was a great way to keep us entertained, cool on a hot day, and clean! :)

    Love that art supply box - I have one of those I forgot about...have to dig it out for PN and let her go to town. I'm LOVING that castle in the background! Is it all painted yet? :)

    Thanks for being a diligent rebel with me!! :)

    American Pickers & Motel Fail, Fun Vacation: RTT Rebel

  8. Your post brought back memories of long ago summers! My kids were into paper mache --- one of my favorite photos from that period involves toothless grins and paper mache pigs! Thanks for the nostalgia!
